云顶集团赌场联合学生(AS云顶集团赌场)非常高兴你的到来 作为我们学生社团的一员! If you are currently registered for classes 在云顶集团赌场,您将自动成为AS云顶集团赌场的成员,并有机会 参与激动人心的事件和活动. Your student government officers are available to help you during your college experience. 顺便来我们的办公室(在HUB的楼上) 获取即将举行的学生活动的信息或了解俱乐部或领导委员会. We want to make sure that you get the most out of your college experience.
- Student officer positions (Executive Council and Service and Activities Board)
- Leadership and Club Council curriculum and well-being
- 俱乐部
- Organizations structures and policies (体育运动 and the 艺术)
- 学生在委员会的代表
- 分配学生资金(也称为S&费用)
- Managing student capital investments (Gjerde Center, HUB and Pavilion)
- 免费提供校园烧烤和午餐
- Entertaining, fun 活动 like dances and outdoor movies
- 多样的俱乐部活动
- Service 活动 (voter registration, service to students, etc.)
- Legislative and student voice forums and platforms
在云顶集团赌场学生俱乐部的目的是提供机会,以提高 通过参与学生生活的学术、文化、社会和娱乐方面 在小组项目和活动中. These groups allow students with common interests 走到一起,与更大的学生社区分享他们的才能和知识. Every 云顶集团赌场 student has the opportunity to become involved! 俱乐部对所有学生开放 who are enrolled in at least one credit or more!
我们一直在寻找有奉献精神的学生参加行政会议和/或申请 服务及活动委员会(SAB). If you want to gain leadership experience, earn money, build your resume and have fun, this is a great opportunity for you!
AS云顶集团赌场主席、副主席和立法事务秘书则不是 only student officers but also paid 云顶集团赌场 student employees. 作为一个集体,这些 这些职位被称为行政会议. Executive Council members are paid minimum 工资,每周最多19小时.
To join the Executive Council, you can apply through the 学生就业网站 when the positions post in April of each year. 一旦我们决定你要满足所有 the minimum qualifications, we will 联系 you. 职位是通过选择来填补的 或者选举过程.
也许你不是首发球员? 也许你只是想加入. 伟大的! 查看列表 以下是目前的俱乐部.
Also, be sure to stop by one of our Club Rush 事件! Club Rush每个发生两次 year, during the beginning of fall and winter quarters. 在Club Rush,你会有 有机会与直接参与我们的学生和顾问联系 了解所有关于扶轮社的宗旨和目标(哦,总是有 免费食物和奖品!).
服务和活动(S&A) Fees are for the purpose of supporting student 活动
和程序. The boards of trustees of the state’s colleges and universities have
活动. In its ordinary and usual meaning, “student 活动” refers to any
AS云顶集团赌场 has a strong voice in how these fees are allocated and spent. 一旦S&一个预算
按RCW 28B.15.045, S&一个预算 for the current year, along with the S&一个支出 from the previous year, must be posted publicly by September 30 of each year.
云顶集团赌场的美国手语俱乐部培养了一种包容的精神,将聋人、重听人、 听障学生. The group provides ASL modeling from native language users and 提高对聋人社区的认识. 欢迎所有云顶集团赌场学生学习和学习 参与美国手语俱乐部,不管他们对美国手语的理解程度如何 或者可能还没有. Club meetings are every Thursday from 4-5pm over Zoom. 请 联系 either 俱乐部的顾问 for the Zoom meeting link.
俱乐部的顾问: 金正日Cutsforth, 丹Quock
ASN俱乐部是一个支持、资源丰富和综合的护理学生网络 that promotes excellence, mentorship and 社区 service. ASN俱乐部的目标是 to prepare nursing students for professional responsibilities.
俱乐部的顾问: 贝基菲利普斯
To explore, encourage, and celebrate the field of chemistry, and look great doing it.
俱乐部的顾问: Padmaja Gunda
云顶集团赌场学生牙齿保健师协会的宗旨是 促进口腔卫生专业,培养领导力、网络、指导、 and 社区 among dental hygiene students, ADHA/WSDHA, faculty and staff.
俱乐部的顾问: Liia Gorelco, 瓦莱丽·伯内特
加入游戏俱乐部,享受轻松的游戏之夜,悠闲的比赛和一些严肃的乐趣 在校园. Meet awesome 人, game with awesome 人 and have a blast with awesome 人. Whether you're into card games, board games, TTRPG sessions (like Dungeons & 龙),或者和我们一起玩VR. AS云顶集团赌场 Game Room is open and we've got Xbox, 玩Station, 交换,还有更多——来一起玩吧!
俱乐部的顾问: 迈克尔Jaramillo, 伊梅尔达·法瑞斯
To provide educational resources for students and the general public to help make 自行车成为更多人生活的一部分. To provide safe and adventurous ride opportunities 让学生们一起骑行. To provide cycling equipment for all students to meet 他们的目标. To provide training opportunities for students that want to race and 参加大学水平的比赛. 我们对所有层次的骑手开放!
俱乐部的顾问: 瑞安白垩土
我们俱乐部的目标是在探索的同时,用历史的眼光来探索日本文化 现代日本文化. our clubs’ interests are broad whether it’s exploring the 武士的古代历史或探索日本动漫和漫画及其兴起 在美国,无论你对日本文化感兴趣的是日本人 culture club is the best way to explore it.
俱乐部的顾问: Noriko赖德
LDSSA俱乐部鼓励和支持LDSSA成员实现他们的学术成就 目标和保持平衡的生活,而在校园,成为一个影响 通过参与校园和社区的活动和服务,以及 为学生提供有意义的社会及宗教服务机会 与基督教会的标准相一致的活动 后期圣徒教会.
俱乐部顾问: 马特·蒙托亚
LULAC provides educational and service-learning opportunities to connect with the Latino 社区, celebrate diversity, develop civic leadership, and gain greater 政治意识. LULAC’s mission is to advance the economic condition, educational 成就、政治影响、住房、健康和公民权利 人口. Club meetings are every Wednesdays from 12pm in SWL 202.
俱乐部顾问: 迈克尔Jaramillo, Eudelio马丁内斯
Phi Theta Kappa是一个全国性的荣誉协会,成立于1918年,旨在促进合作 为学生提供发展学术成就和领导能力的机会和独特的课程 技能.
俱乐部的顾问: 特里弗来什曼
PAS为学生提供了一个竞争的场所,并成为州和国家PAS组织的成员 并参与在校园和社区推广农业的活动.
俱乐部的顾问: Kerrin Bleazard, 杰森的
这是云顶集团赌场项目管理专业的学生们创作的地方 社区. This club is held in conjunction with the Project Management Institute 哥伦比亚河流域分会会议. Students in this club get the opportunity to 找一位专业的导师,与当地的企业招聘经理进行营销/面对面的交流, 在面试和简历方面寻求帮助. 这个俱乐部的学生会主席 has a seat on the PMI CRB Chapter Board for the entire school year.
俱乐部的顾问: 梅丽莎·B. 斯莱特