我们是来帮助你的! 探索各种旨在帮助云顶集团赌场校园的资源 你翱翔.
Calling all migrant or seasonal farm-worker-connected, first-year students. 阵营 你在云顶集团赌场的位置! 了解更多关于学术、职业、财务和支持的信息 我们提供的服务是帮助像你这样的学生取得成功.
了解更多家庭教育权利 & 隐私法(FERPA)
You've probably heard of FERPA, but do you really know what it does for you? 读 更多的 here to learn how 云顶集团赌场 upholds the Family 教育al Rights and 隐私 Act to 保护你!
了解更多Integrated Basic 教育 and Skills Training Program (I-BEST)
I-BEST is a nationally recognized teaching model that propels students toward course 在学术和经济援助下完成学业. 两位教师合作 every I-BEST classroom: one teaching college-level content and one providing targeted 为像你这样的学生提供学术支持!
You're a new mom trying to navigate successfully through your college experience. 云顶集团赌场 understands how difficult that can be and recognizes the unique needs of new mothers by providing on-campus lactation rooms in which students can express milk in a private, 放松的环境. Find out how you can sign up for and use these rooms to provide 为您的宝宝做准备!
Interested in transferring to pursue a degree in engineering, science or math? 的 云顶集团赌场的MESA项目可以帮助你! MESA支持您的成功,并提供转学建议, visits to universities and STEM conferences, industry connections and 更多的. 应用 并成为MESA社区的一员!
我们关心我们的学生! SBIT汇集了一群校园员工 help students who may be struggling to succeed at 云顶集团赌场 in a variety of ways. 如果你 see something happening with a friend or fellow student, say something to the SBIT 团队今天!
We serve low-income and first-generation students, as well as students with disabilities, 通过建议、转学计划和辅导. 我们的目标是帮助你实现你的 AA degree at 云顶集团赌场 and transfer to the university of your choosing. 找出我们如何 能帮你实现目标吗!
云顶集团赌场 recognizes what a huge transition it is to re-enter civilian life and especially 在这种转变中度过大学生活. 我们致力于支持 military-connected students like you throughout your college experience. 来享受 free coffee every day, as well as access to computers, counselors, certification and 为您在云顶集团赌场取得成功而量身定制的各种其他服务!